hawaii mineral sunscreen

Hawaii Mineral Sunscreen


mineral sunscreen ingredients

Did you know… Raw Love Sunscreen was the very first FDA approved mineral sunscreen in the entire state of Hawaii? We have been leading the way for other brands who’ve followed our path to become FDA approved. But baby, we’re #1!

And like many businesses, we’ve also been surfing the highs and lows of the economy, doing what we can do ensure our business survives and thrives. We expanded our product suite to include more varieties to meet the needs and requests of our customers – YOU!

So we’re ever so grateful for every single purchase you make right here at Raw Love Sunscreen’s home base on the web – our own website. Help us stay afloat this summer while investing in ultra creamy moisturizing mineral sunscreen for your family.

Mahalo (thank you) for your support and purchase of our reef safe Hawaii mineral sunscreen – available in our original formula with essential oils in 2 oz and 4oz tins, plus our newer formulas without any essential oils, perfect for babies and anyone with sensitive skin or who prefers no essential oil. Pick up your favorite Hawaii mineral sunscreen today locally on island in Maui, Big Island, Kauai and Oahu, as well as nationwide at stores. Visit our retail store page for more info.